Prosperous communities, thriving ecosystems

Variegate provides solutions for people and nature, through diversifying agricultural landscapes to create thriving localised bioeconomies.

What’s a Bioeconomy?
A bioeconomy is an economy powered by nature! It uses renewable resources – like plants, algae, and waste, to create everyday products. A bioeconomy works with nature to build a more sustainable, circular system that benefits people, the planet, and local communities. It’s about making the most of what nature gives us while protecting it for the future.

What’s an ecosystem?
An ecosystem is a network of people, businesses, and systems that work together to create a sustainable economy powered by nature. Just like in nature, where plants, animals, and microbes support each other, a bioeconomy ecosystem connects farmers, researchers, entrepreneurs, and communities to turn renewable resources – like plants and waste – into valuable products. It’s a cycle where nothing goes to waste, innovation thrives, and both people and the planet benefit.


How do we do it?

We connect visionary landowners, investors and technology providers through a marketplace platform. We accelerate diversification of agricultural land and systems through a host os solutions, which support the development of localised bioeconomies.


Get in touch!

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